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加能 史料 戦国Ⅲ 加能史料編纂委員会、金沢市、株式会社ショセキ 平成十五年 「天正三年記」長享二年 (一四八八)安芸法眼事 (Kano Historical Resources, Kano Historical Resources Editorial Board, Kanazawa City, Shoseki Pty.Ltd, 2003, Record for the Third Year of Tenshō, Chōkyō 2, (1488), In relation to Aki Hōgan)
加能 史料 戦国Ⅲ 加能史料編纂委員会、金沢市、株式会社ショセキ 平成十五年 「天正三年記」長享二年 (一四八八)安芸法眼事 (Kano Historical Resources, Kano Historical Resources Editorial Board, Kanazawa City, Shoseki Pty.Ltd, 2003, Record for the Third Year of Tenshō, Chōkyō 2, (1488), In relation to Aki Hōgan)
天正三年記」長享二年 (一四八八)安芸法眼事 テ次郎政親ヲ討取リ、安高ヲ守護トシテヨリ、百姓取立ノ富樫ニテ候間、百姓等ノウテツ ヨク成テ、近年ハ百姓ノ持タル國ノヤウニ成行サフラフ事ニテ候(下略)(pp.12-13) ○蓮如上人塵拾鈔ハ異事 This document was originally started by Renjun, but later continued by Jitsugo. It was written closer to the events it describes, thus its degree of reliability is much higher. According to its details, the shugo of Kaga, whose uncle was Togashi Yasutaka, had planned to battle against the `commoners`, however by a fortunate twist of fate it was Masachika who was killed. Yasutaka then became shugo. As the commoners had placed the Togashi in power, the influence and ability of the commoners grew, so that in recent years Kaga has become known as province held by `commoners`. It also states that a different sentiment is written within the Jinchiso. |